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Re: When rust is found...

Just go get some phosphoric acid-based anti-rust stuff at the hardware/car
parts store.  Extend, 3m rust pen, etc...  Dab it on when the car is warmed
up a bit.  Let it cure for 24 hours.  Hit it with some wax or epoxy-based
paint (great idea!).  Deal with it in the spring. 

Or just ignore it.  Rust doesn't really grow in the cold.

At 04:04 PM 1/10/1999 ,  Ray Bonnett was inspired to say:
> All:
> Thanks to all who responded: Fred, Huw, Young, Richard, Scott, Tony, & 
> any others I've overlooked..
> I'm not really wanting to grind out all the rust right now, the rust is 
> in only two tiny areas just barely starting to bubble, and is the result 
> of pitting from sandblast on the hwy. I was hoping maybe rubbing wax 
> over the top or dabbing on some penetrating lubricant would just keep 
> things from progressing until the real fix in summer, and not be an 
> eyesore in the interim. Ideas?

	88 90Q "Hannu" - K+N, new vac hoses, lubed U-Joint, still 0.0 bar....
	88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally