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4kq rear end jumpimg!

Hello everyone....

My state of frustration and depression are beginning to grow....
I took the bent tie-rod off and replaced it and changed the othe front 
tie-rod end.... 
The Alignment printout is as follows:

Left Front 					Right Front

Camber -0.9 degrees				Camber -0.7 degrees
Caster -2.1 degrees (out) 			Caster -0.1 degrees (out)
Toe     0.03 degrees				Toe     0.02 degrees
SAI     13.3 degrees				SAI	13.2 degrees

			Cross Camber -0.2 degrees
			Cross Caster -2.1 degrees (out of spec)
			Total Toe     0.05 degrees
			Set Back -0.20

Left Rear					Right Rear

Camber -1.0 degrees				Camber -1.3 degrees
Toe	0.25 degrees				Toe    -0.04 degrees

	  		Total Toe	.21 degrees
			Thrust Angle	.15 degrees

All right, sorry for the WOB but I was p#ssed when I saw this...
I specifically asked for the cambe to be set on all 4 and when I called
after driving it and looking @ before and after printouts he simply said
Well.. it's in spec..... 
I had to explain to him that these cars are very fussy and now I will
be going to the shop and doing my own alignment since these people are to
darn lazy to set to nominal settings...
He also said that the closer to 0 i go on rear camber the worse it will
Well. It feels like the rear end is going to swing around every time I hit 
a bumb in the road....
The rear end felt great when there was a little more positive toe....
now it feels like it going to come off the car...

Please.... suggestions....
I can NOT afford to ruin brand new 16" Dunlops at the time...
I can't stand driving my baby when she'd all messed up either...

COuld rear balljoints/tir rods cause these same symptoms???
If so.... are the rear tie-rod end replacable or only whole unit???

Rich ANdrews