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Re: eBay Item: V8/Coupe Manuals


There is always stuff on ebay for sale.  I don't think we
need to post it to list all the time.

I'm also not sure I agree with bidding things up among listers.
Generally we figure out a fair price and offer it to first come
first serve.  

Personally, if I see an known qlister bidding on something at
ebay, I don't try to outbid him.  Of course, it's a free
country, so do as you like :)

| Dan |
Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
Worldcom Advanced Networks 	http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Manhattanville Road, Suite 5        (914) 701-5378 (voice)
Purchase, NY 10577                      (914) 701-5310 (fax)