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Re: 80/90q w/o sunroof?

Find an early 80q. My sister's 88 80q has no sunroof. But, I believe I have
seen them in 90+?


Erik R Addy wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone know if there were any 10v 80/90q's without a sunroof?
> I suspect all 90q's had it, but perhaps there were a few 80q's wihout.
> Unfortunately every 90 (or even the seemingly rare 80q) has one.
> The reason I ask is because I am still considering putting a MC in one,
> but I really do need more headroom than these car's have w/ sunroof
> (particularly w/ helmet).
> Also, were there sport seats available for these cars?  I suspect that
> they were standard on the 90q20v coupes and perhaps optional on the
> 90q20v sedans, but not available on the 10v's.  Anyone know?
> Thanks
> Erik Addy
> erik@aero.und.edu