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Re: BF Comp T/A VR4

Hi Andrew,

Although this works on snow, I've just found out it doesn't work on icy road
'cause my Audi just slide right into the ditch on I-65 this morning.
It is still there waiting for da tow truck. Oh my god, I wish I had a

sorry for the bw

P.S I found a compay on the web that still selling BFG Comp T/A VR4
The url is http://www.courybuick.com/bf_tavr4.htm You guys may want to give
them a call.
>And Albert Ng chimed in with:

> I have D60a2 on my 5kcst too. I found that it helps the snow traction a
> little bit by increasing the tire pressure. Right now, I am running 37psi
> all four conners. Anyhow, it may just be a placebo effect. Any comment??

I have run a couple of sets of D60A2s, and can comment here.
Albert is right. Bumping the pressure has a DRAMATIC effect on
handling, wet, dry, and snowy. I run about 38 or so, find it
works best.

But Dave was basically right. The D60A2 are an "OK" tire, not great.
When I switched two cars over to the Touring T/A, I saw a great
improvement. The Comp T/A were even better, but I can't seem to
find them any more :-(


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)   Compaq Computer Corporation  (603)-884-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it