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Re: Ur-q Diff lock question
>From: Sonar465@aol.com
>Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 10:47:47 EST
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: Ur-q Diff lock question
>Studip ? here. Are the diff locks on a '84 Ur-q phnumatic or electric.
>reason I am asking is it seems that putting the new stereo in the Ur-q
>seemed to have done something to the center diff lock. Last night we
got a
>bit of icy snow here on Long Island and I wanted to lock the center
>Pulled the knob out to lock the center diff and no light, and I don't
think it
>locked. Now I know they where working last week but not this week and
>only thing I have done is put in the new stereo. It is a little chilly
>right now to go looking but hopefully this weekend.
The 84 Urq diff locks are pneumatic, the light is obviously electrical.
Maybe you accidently disconnected power to the light? Or pulled a vacuum
hose off the switch? You didn't say if the rear end lock light works or
not --that could be a clue. My Urq is a little slow engaging the center
locks if the temp drops below zero and the car is cold --but it the car
is warm it works normally.
84 Urq
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