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Apologies, plans.
Greetings all, I'll start with an apology to those I owe email replys to.
I was doing well and keeping ahead with all projects until several years of
good luck caught up with me. I managed to smash my knee hard enough at work
for the doc to declare a fractured kneecap. A following visit to the
orthopedic spec. told me I'll be wearing a brace and moving quite slowly for 4
weeks. At least I didn't break the leg or do any permanent damage. Anyhow,
that's why I haven't been near my computer as of late. I'll be getting back to
everybody ASAP, as I have lots of free time now!
There's never a *good* time to break a knee, but the time frame of my
recovery means I'm out of the NEQ school and Steamboat '99 also :( This news
comes as the Steamboat car sits in my shop with the motor out and 2.3 at the
I'm due back for more xrays in three weeks which may determine if I can
passenger to CO to see friends this year. I'll keep ya posted.
Chris Semple
plenty o cars, but can't drive a one...