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Re: 89 200TQ Oil Guage
P-O Selander (EUS) wrote:
> Don't worry, unfortunately. My oil pressure (89 100) sits at just over 2 Bar
> at idle. When running it's in between 4.5 Bar and all the way out to the
> right. Sender and meter are of course not calibrated as a multimeter... It
> would be great if we could trust the readings to be accurate. I would say
> that all meters in a car should be used more as "indicators" and not
> instruments providing 100% "true" values.
> P-O Selander
> Bellevue, WA
That's how my 200TQ oil gauge has been reading, like yours. At idle it
sits at 2 bars. It goes up to 5 bars when you are at a higher RPM. The
other day I drove the car to work and oil gauge was normal, Idle at 2
bars. When I drove it 2 hrs later, 1 block from the office I noticed
the Oil Can lite started Blinking then went out. The oil guage was
sitting at close to five bars at idle. If you read the owners manual it
insinuates that the lite react to the gauge in some way. This morning
the guage was nornal when I started it up. The would be a good weekend
project if I was in the southern states but here in the Seattle area it
is in the rainy session. Have my 5000SW in the garage so I'll have to
woek on it outside.
Pat Korach
Kirkland, WA