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illegal dastardly badge!

Well shucks, guys, all this yelling about illegal, inappropriate,
inaccurate, misleading, yes, downright LYING badges has me worried!

I'm driving an N.A. 5 Ks, and the clear coat on the trunk was looking like
hell, so when I happened across a 5K trunk lid exactly the same color as my
car, and with good clear coat, in a junkyard and bought it for $25, should
I have rejected it because it had a small "turbo" emblem on it?

I mean, here in more-or-less rural Florida most of the local talent doesn't
even know what an Audi is ("Made in England, isn't it?"), let alone that it
has FIVE cylinders ("Impossible. You can't build a five cylinder engine!")
or that it happens to be a really nice car despite being 13 years old
("That's an *86*?") . . . do I risk the wrath of the Audi gods? After all,
my *other* Audi IS a turbo!

And the yokes on my Cessna 150 say "Cardinal RG" - how much trouble am I in
for *THAT*?

Anyway, I see Phil is thinking about buying a 200TQ - I hope it happens,
because it would be real nice to have someone with his degree of rabid
fanaticism (that is NOT a slur) driving the same car I am - I could get ANY
question, no matter how arcane, answered. I think we should encourage him
to do this, maybe even take up a collection to make sure it happens.

Best Regards,

Mike (badges not quite accurate for one car) Arman

PS: no 39K GIF of the badge attached . . . ;-)

PPS: Miles of "space saver spare" snipped off, too!!