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Re: Installing Radar Detector
It is quite simple if you have a light for checking hot leads. Take of the
sunroof switch cover. On my 1991 200, you pry out the interior light. This
gives you access to a screw that you need to remove, which in turn releases
the entire switch cover. The sunroof switch has about five wires that come
off it. Use the light to see which lead has power when you turn the
ignition on. Remember that some leads stay powered until you remove the
key, and OPEN the door. Once you find a lead the is off until you turn on
the ignition, just solder the hot lead of the radar detector to it, using a
fuse between the soldered connection and the detector. There are several
places to attatch the ground wire in the same area. Run the wires down out
the front of the switch cover, and try the detector. Once everything works,
put it all back together.
Voila! You now have a detector that always comes on when you drive, and
shuts off when you leave the car.
Dave Puterbaugh
-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Tim <tjmill1@uswest.com>
To: 'quattro@coimbra.ans.net' <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Saturday, January 16, 1999 11:52 AM
Subject: Installing Radar Detector
>> I need help in determining how to install my radar detector
>> in the sunroof control panel. For those of you that have
>> done this, would you please send me specific instructions.
>> I also need to know which connector to splice into.
>> Thanks
>> Tim
>> 92 S4