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Re: Turn-turn-turn
In message <36A2AD39.7A88@snet.net> "Christopher P. Locke" writes:
> > Tried to remove an injector today to do the list recommended spray test.
> > Turning & turning & turning & going nowhere at all. Use less strokes to .....
> > well, that's another subject. How do these things come out?
> Just pull on them with a hook shaped screwdriver with a split in the
> center. they pop out.
Sometimes. Sometimes you need a strapping 18-year-old and a three foot
pry bar, with the head firmly bolted to a railway sleeper.
> > Also noticed that my 86 4KS does not have a warm up regulator as depicted in
> > the Haynes manual.
> This car has CIS-E which does not use the warm up regulator. Cold idle
> speed (and hot idle for that matter) is controlled by the differential
> pressure regulator mounted on the front of your fuel distributor.
Haynes is a UK-based publication. The variant of CIS-E used here _does_
use a warm-up regulator (actually, on this engine it's better described
as a control pressure regulator) and doesn't have a differential pressure
regulator. One of the penalties for using Haynes instead of Bentley.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
(The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)