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Re: Dying 087 3sp AT
You may just of lucked out.....
My brother never had the recall done either and when his tranny failed
AOA replaced the whole thing for like $200.....
Rich Andrews
> The 89 100 tranny is whining pretty bad above 20mph. On first (cold)
> startup, it won't shift out of 1st for ~1-3 minutes (depends on how cold
> it is). After that shifts are OK. It whines when power is applied. Let
> off the gas and the whine goes away. This car never got the mineral to
> synth diff recall done - but will on Thursday. I check AT and diff
> fluids on a regular basis and there's no leaks or crossover of AT into
> the diff.
> Any BTDT or help with reliable parts sources (like rebuilt tranny &
> diff) would be appreciated.
> TIA,
> MJ Murphy