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Re: 6-Speed in A4??
I've dealt with a company called Overland out in Cali. and they tell me they
supply a 6-speed box for around US$5k. This was quoted for my 1.8->2.0 A4.
However the last time I spoke to my (Audi) service manager he mentioned
that the 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder cars run the same transmission.
True/False anyone?
You could probably look into a new S4 box as well.
Eton Chen
98.5 A4 2.0tq
Anand Dhanda wrote:
> I was just wondering if there was an "upgrade" kit or a 6-speed to fit a 30V
> A4?? Manufac. would be nice.. Prices too...
> Just wondering!
> _________________________________
> / \
> | Anand Dhanda |
> | Dhandas@internetmci.com |
> | 98.5 A4 2.8QMS Silver/Black |
> \_________________________________/
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