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Audi Thanks/ '86 4000 parts available
I would like to start out this email just thanking everyone who replied to my
email right after my car accident, and who also wished me the best of luck in
my recovery.
I would also like to say that Audi makes d*amn good cars and I am glad it
saved my life so I may live longer than 18 years, even though it gave up it's
own existance. I was just wondering but what is the list's general opinion
on the 4k.
Well for the second part of this email, our 4kcsq is being returned to us in
it's totaled shape, and besides the totaled front which is about 2 feet
shorter, my drivers seat and section which is about 25% the size that it used
to be and the crushed chassis, I believe that most of the small stuff such as
the rear light panel, windows (not windsheild), smaller motors, possibly some
engine equitment, and many body parts are still in very good condidtion.
If any list members are interested in asking for parts I will check on their
condidition as soon as possible, and if you would like to see the larger car
parts that are left, I'm located in the suburbs of NYC.
Once again thank you all for your support, your love for Audi's, and the
general knowledge that is know about every Audi on this list.
Ian Gall
'86 4000csq 130k (RIP, and thank you for my life)
'87 5000csqw 162k (getting repaired soon...)
'91 100s 114k
'98 A4 1.8tq 5k