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Re: 5kS (had) vacuum advance - was RE: Increasing turboboost/performance on '88 5kcstq
In message <Pine.OSF.3.95.990121141527.11367i-100000@segosf.hlo.dec.com> "G. Benedikt Rochow" writes:
> This hose goes to a Y connector by teh air filter; the other 2 sides
> of the Y go to the throttle body and to another flying saucer
> mounted by the air shroud etc. cluster.
> I take it that that's the vacuum advance deal?
> Except that that hose doesn't go - it's cut/molten where it would
> pass behind the engine. The side towards the Y is glued or molten
> shut.
> What will I get for replacing that hose? Vast amounts of power?
Better fuel economy, better drivability, and sometimes an annoying
little light telling you to change gear. If you get the latter,
just treat it as a light telling you that vacuum advance is still
It's still best to check that the vacuum advance unit actually _holds_
vacuum. Something like a MityVac tester is ideal.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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