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Re: mystery light

Well, all right, I admit it does look like that.  But *if* my car had
had heated seats, the switch would have had a light - there isn;t any
real connection to the bulb in question, it has probably turned slightly
and is being powered by the terminals for the lights above and below

Anyway, I prefer the "PMD armed - danger" explanation.  Now if only I
could figure out a way to disarm them without pulling the inst cluster
cover off.

Gary G. Erickson wrote:
> Huw Powell wrote:
> > It is a little picture of a seat with three arrows pointing "up" through
> > it.  Maybe it indicates the Passenger Mutilation Daggers have been
> > armed.
> Wasn't that the old style indicator light for the heated seats?

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT