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Re: fergussen history (no audi content)

Oh, cut the guy some slack.  Sure Phil is an opinionated b@st@rd, but he's
a damn well-informed opinionated b@st@rd.  Besides, as the thread shows, he
never stated conclusively (I think it...) that the C-C was designed
originally for forklifts but indeed posted an admission that he
acknowledges that they were designed for WW2 fire-trucks (Yes, as Dave...).

Back to our regularly scheduled programming......

At 02:00 PM 1/23/1999 ,  WSCRacer@aol.com was inspired to say:
> In a message dated 1/23/99 4:24:11 AM, quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk writes:
> >>> This engine has a history as long and proud as the I5.  I think it was
> >>> originally developed for fork-lift trucks.  I used to work on the
> >>> performance versions quite a lot in my 'first' mechanical career - the
> >>> 'second' being entirely devoted to I5s.
> >
> >> Wrong answer there Phil the Coventry-Climax engine was designed as a
> >Water pump engine for fighting fires during WWII.
> >
> >Yes, so Dave posted.  It certainly _was_ used in fork lift trucks,
> >though, because I did a head rebuild on one in the 1960s.
> Yes but Phil, It was'nt DESIGNED for a forklift like you say.......

	88 90Q "Hannu" - K+N, new vac hoses, lubed U-Joint, still 0.0 bar....
	88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally