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Synthetics (Long, hopefully not preachy...)
OK...let's see if I can make some points without pouring gas on the
Item: ALL contemporary major brand oils are damn good. ALL will
work very well in the normal range of engine conditions. My
**opinion** based on some 20 years of reading on the subject is
that synthetics offer you insurance at specific times: startup, high
temperature operation, turbo operation, and if any part of your
lubrication or cooling system should fail. Synthetics have,
**IMHO**, an advantage at those times. I also believe they hold up
better under long-term use, both in regard to less volatility shift and
in regard to less breakdown of the polymer chains.
[Having said this, I bought a 93 Ford F-150 with 95K miles in
October. It uses less than a quart every 3K miles and has never
had synthetic in it. Clearly, conventional oils have performed well
in this vehicle. I will change it to synthetic for one reason: to
extend engine life before a rebuild. I plan to own this truck for at
least 10 more years, and I think I can buy time with synthetic.]
Item: Some truckers have never heard of Amsoil. True enough.
Some have never heard of synthetics. Others think synthetics are
pure ju-ju. Others swear by them. All this proves nothing: people
in all occupations and groups have a range of opinions about
everything, whether they know anything about the subject or not.
Item: Synthetic lube makers, Amsoil included, have made some
serious marketing runs at big rigs because they feel those vehicles
are in a superb position to profit from the characteristics of
synthetic. Some have used the synth, and the results have been
clearly recorded in literature I have read (the Amsoil mag, I grant).
They have documented engines with 400K between teardowns
using synthetic, and when the engine was torn down, wear has
been too minor to replace parts! Not bad!
Item: I don't care WHAT brand synth you might run. All of them
have advantages as noted above, especially in turbo engines.
**IMHO**, anyone running a turbo and NOT using synth is asking
for early turbo failure, period. I know more about Amsoil because I
have used it for 20 years, and became a lifetime dealer simply so i
wouldn't have to pay a fee every year. I get my oils direct and at a
discount. No big deal. I don't make my living by selling it, so I
don't give a rap which oil anyone runs.
Item: Marketing doesn't mean SQUAT relative to a product's
quality. Whether you've heard more about Pennzoil than Amsoil is
irrelevant. Most people don't pay any attention to motor oil, they
frankly don't care about it, and I'm not sure they're not smarter than
we are, since we tend to obsess about this!! Having said the
above, Amsoil has been around since the Korean war. They did
some of the early work in synth development, and they know what
they're doing. Just because they don't spend the money Pennzoil
(an oil I no longer prefer after seeing the deposits it leaves...yuck)
does on marketing doesn't mean they don't have a great product.
But people who are NOT mechanical nuts don't want to spend one
penny more on oil and filters than they have to. Many NEVER
change oil as long as they own a car (abuse, I know). That's a
major reason why synth products have had a slow, gradual growth
trend onto the market...most people simply don't care!
Item: Because synth products are a relatively recent development
in the market, many of the "old mechanic" school still dismiss
them as snake oil. This dismissal seldom has any research or
rationality behind it. If they're not good products for modern
engines, why do Corvette, BMW and Porsche (I believe) require
synthetic motor oil or they void the warranty?
I leave it to the members of this group to do their own research into
brands and types of motor oil. BUT I think dismissing any type of
oil or filter or whatever because "none of my dad's/brother's/coach's
trucker friends/bar buddies/fraternity bros. use it..." is not clear
thinking. Do your own homework and keep it rational.
Go now in peace......
Al Powell
1958 Fiat 1200 Spyder "Transformabile"
1983 Datsun 280ZXT
1990 Audi 200