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Thanks Paul!
Hi car nuts,
I just wanted to yell a public THANK YOU to Paul Royal for the winter
driving school this past weekend.
There were about 30 cars there, mostly Audi quats of various vintgages, plus
a couple of Eagle Talons, a 323, an RWD Volvo, and a Jeep Cherokee (of all
Dividing the cars into 4 groups, Paul and Tim O'Neil (who owns the school)
and 10 or 12 instructors kept us busy with a maximum of driving around and
a minimum of standing around. I had good time driving, some good social-
izing, some good beer afterwards, and learned a lot too.
Those who've signed up for the February school are in for a treat. I hope
it doesn't rain on you all day Sunday! :-(
Well done, Paul!
Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp. -- "Flexibility through Vacillation"
ZKO 110 Spit Brook Rd.
DTN 264-0501 Nashua, NH USA 03062-2711