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Re: "evo" magazine ur-quattro articles

In message <Pine.GSO.3.95.990125161601.19908O-100000@outside.organic.com> c a l i b a n writes:
>  this is confusing... how can there be a '90 urq?
>  i figure a 20v conversion is possible for a "20v
>  urq" but i thought there was just one set of turbo
>  quattro coupes (the urq, as i understand it) and
>  these were in the mid 80's.  perhaps they kept on
>  making and selling urq's in europe post-'86?

Oh, how little you know.

Audi effectively "made over" the ur-quattro three times - once gradually
during the 1987 model year (adding things like accelerometer ABS), once
dramatically for the 1988 model year, adding the MB engine, MAC12, Torsen
centre, and a whole raft of detailled stuff - and then they finished
the job off with the 1990/1 model years.

The very last ur-quattros had all of the mechanical improvments the
MB had, with the addition of an extremely refined 20V engine driven
by a Motronic control unit.  Electrical equipment levels are about
the ultimate, except for powered seats.

There is absolutely no comparison between the mid-80s ur-quattros and
an MB or a 20V.  This is reflected in the price - a standard 80s
ur-quattro can be bought now for GBP7000 on average - an MB costs about
GBP13000 ($20000) in good condition, and a 20V sometimes as much as

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
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