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RE: 2wd quattro

Mike said;

> >  was thinking that if I took the prop off and locked the center diff 
> that I could drive the ten mile round trip with little trouble?
> This is why it's paramount to check the function of the diff locks 
> before buying a Q.  The only time I've tried/run across this is when 
> testing a 4000Q.  It drove and ran fine and finally I locked the diffs 
> for a test and the car would not move, either with one diff locked or 
> both.  Very odd I thought, looked underneath and no prop shaft!  So I'm 
> not sure why you'd have to lock the center diff, but this example drove 
> fine with no proshaft.
Unless the 4000 quattro system is different than a 5000 (and it may well be;
this is Audi after all), I'm thinking your example above was a car that had
the center diff locked _regardless_ of diff lock switch position.  Would be
a neat (read: crappy) trick to sell a car to an unsuspecting buyer, who
didn't know to test the diff locks.  
I recently bought an 88 5kcstq, Mike calls 15 minutes after tow truck
delivery, tells me he's got it running, but it won't move.  He locks the
front diff, Voila, car is moving.  PO removed D/S.  Take it from a guy who
has been there.  I know it sounds stupid, but ALWAYS check that a
prospective purchase has a D/S.  It will save you a mile of hassle and $$$$.

Gary Lewis 
88 5kcstq 1.8 bar 110km Pearl w/Fuchs, K24 turbo, 2-piece EM
TransGlobal Financial  (818) 384-7600
Mergers, Acquisitions, Public Offerings