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Re: 5ktq Problems

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Todd Phenneger wrote:

> The car isn't mine but I thought I'd ask some questions for this guy.
> Bought a nice Black 5ktq for too much and now is in over his head with
> problems.  Called me last night because rear diff was stuck locked so I
> had to go crawl under his car and un-lock it for him manually. Anyhow,
> here goes.
> 1) Rear Right Caliper seems to be freezing when E-Brake is used it wont
> release.  Does it need a rebuild or will a bleed help?  I'm not used to
> REar Caliper problems

It might be a sticky ebrake cable. Sometimes, especially in cold weather when
water has gotten in there, they get sticky. But the ebrake sections of those
calipers freeze fairly often as well, in which case it would need a rebuild.

> <snip>
> 3)Heater will only blow HOt air.  All buttons appear to work right.
> Defrost / econ / auto etc all do their thing.  BUT, no cool air will come
> out when you turn temp down.  ANy ideas?

Maybe the valve at the heater core hose that regulates the amount of hot water
to the heater core is broken or not connected properly- stuck open.
Good luck!

> Thanks, I want to help this poor guy get his car back into shape but am
> not nearly as familiar with teh 5ktq as with the 4kq since all I drive is
> 4kq's.
>         L8R
>         Todd Phenneger
>         1984 4000s quattro / modified/ awaiting Turbo Transplant.
>         1985 4000 quattro / Silver / Fixing it Up.
>         1987 4000cs quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
>         1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
>    *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!