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Re: 5ktq Problems

Still disagree.  1.0 bar is "no boost" at idle (or not running), before
the throttle plate.  After the plate will be a vacuum of sorts.  Rev it
up and "no boost" is substantially less.  Like a fraction of a bar. 
Think about it... anyway this comment of mine is irrelevant to
troubleshooting the car, it's still doing something wrong.  btw, a turbo
engine with *no boost*, for instance wastegate stuck open (btdt), is a
real dog.  Not anywhere near as much power as n/a engine.

Obviously something is opening that wastegate prematurely, but it is
still opening and shutting.

we've now exhausted (sorry) my knowledge of turbocharging...

> Sorry,
>         By no boost I meant, no positive pressure above atmospheric
> pressure.  I consider that no boost since 1.0 bar is 0psi.
> On Tue, 26 Jan 1999, Huw Powell wrote:
> > > 2) No BOOST.  I mean NO Boost.  Floored in 2nd you see 1.0 Bar and dont
> > > feel a surge of the TUrbo coming on.  It reads 1.1 BAR sometimes in 3rd.
> >
> > just a niggling point, but that is boost - in a n/a machine floored in
> > second will get you serious vacuum, fraction of a bar.  1.0 bar just
> > isn't as much boost as it should get. 

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT