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Re: extended warranty on 97A6 (New Audi owners take note)

Quoth Andrew Duane:

>...for that $2250. And that price is a serious rip-off anyway,
>given what other places sell such warranties for.

Well I tried that extended warranty URL that someone posted
earlier today (sorry I've lost it since).  Their site has an
automated quote system, so I tried a couple of examples based
on my 1997 A4Q V6 (w/25000 miles).  Entered all the data the
same except in one instance I click the box saying the manuf.
warranty was still in force, and in the other I said it wasn't.

Here is what came out:

     Warranty in force:  6yr/72k mile extended = $1525
                    (6yr/100kmile extended = $1900)
          Thus would be covered for another 3yrs or 48k.

     Warranty expired:   3yr/36k mile extended = $3800 !!
          (Covering me just the extra 3yrs or *36k*)

Thus, its interesting to note that going for an extended
warranty 1 day after the factory warranty expires will cost
an EXTRA $2300 (and 12k miles LESS coverage)!!!

Point to ponder if you are thinking about getting an
extension for your (nearly) new Audi!

-Mark Quinn