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Re: 4KQ Rear Muffler--Design Defect??

>Hey, Smarty-Pat:

1st off I did not intend to flame you.  But since you insist I may oblige.

>Yes, I did investigate other exhaust systems.  There are quite a number of
>high quality, expensive systems.  Many with a lifetime guarantee.  My 4kq
>185k miles and I drive it hard.  The objective is not to hang $600-800 of
>exhaust under a car worth $2000 at best.  If anywhere, I'll spend the money
>the suspension and tires and a good driver's seat.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe a system made for the 4kq might not be
the best idea?  Custom systems cost less than $400 and are a hell of alot
more stout than an Ansa muffler.  Not to meantion that you can upsize a
little and get more power to boot.

>So, I bought the exhaust special from Blau.  For $300, I get a realistic

For $300 you got a piece of sh%t.  Sounds like a deal to me.

Besides, the new Ansa design sports a visible reinforcement in the
>weld area.  I should get at least an extra month of use.

BONUS.  Ever heard of polishing a turd.

>Perhaps I'll start a 4kq project car that will have high quality
>But it sure won't have one of the migraine, ulcer, heart attack causing,
>wallet draining, sissy ass turbo motors in it.  Why you folks fuck with
>problematic turbos is way beyond me.  I read all those tear filled posts
>the 100, 200, and ur-q sufferers and shake my head.

Since the conversion I have spent $0 on turbo related problems on my car.
Obvously you are not a very smart jerk.  If you were you would know that not
only did the 100 not have a turbo but you would also know that the turbos
are very bulletproof on these cars.  How many tears have you heard on this
list regarding turbo's?

>BMW has the right philosophy -- if zey can't get the HP from a normally
>aspirated motor, zey don't build it.

Those Bmw folks sure make reliable cars dont they.  HA HA HA HA.  Is that
some kind of joke?   If you were not such an ass I would offer to show you
I f(*&k with turbos.


aol explains everything.  Wasn't it James Carville that said something about
a dollar bill and some park.
