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Re: mystery relay/controller
Why not remove the panel, compare what should be there according to
the manual, and what isn't?
Not always bulletproof since the manual is frequently wrong about
minor things...
I think everyone is right...the only other possible part it could be,
with that sounder, is an auto-check system component.
One of the DJ's here in Boston had a rather amusing problem of an
opposite nature..."The Big Matress", Charles Laquadera(sp?) owns an
S4(and -raves- about it on the air all the time, and his crew jokes
about stealing it for a drive, or on snowy days, says things like
"well, CHARLES didn't have a problem today, now did you?" Great
publicity...Audi must -love- him :)
Anyway, his problem was that the chime wouldn't turn -off- no matter
what he did. He announced his problem on the air, and an Audi dealer
got word and sent someone out who found a busted relay and replaced
Once I asked him vial email if he was going to attend the Mt.
Washington event..he said he hadn't made up his mind, and never
showed up. Maybe we can convince him for next year...
At 3:11 PM -0500 1/28/99, Tom Nestor wrote:
> I just found an interesting looking relay or controller laying on the floor
> under the drivers seat in my 91 200 tqw. It has nine pins, a tiny speaker in
> the top, the number 290 printed on the top, and a part # of 443-919-439C.
> Anybody with a parts fiche out there wanna take a stab at what this is and
> where it should go? Hopefully it's related to my suddenly non existent
> interior lamps.
Brett Dikeman
"Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell and making
them happy to be on their way." - Mark Twain
"Oh no. Not again." - The bowl of Petunias
"... it is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a
big enough hammer." -- Sun System & Network Admin manual
Statler: "Hey, this one sounds cute."
Waldorf: "You old fool, that's not the personals, it's the obituaries!"