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Re: Warm start problem - 5kcstq

Richard Reed wrote:
> Greetings,
> Have begun having a strange warm start problem w/86 5kcstq.  Car starts
> fine when cold.  Will also start fine when hot (run it up to temp, shut
> down, and start again within 5-10 minutes) but if it sits more then say
> 15-20 minutes, won't start for an hour (won't even catch).  Boosts good
> (1.2 - 1.3 bar) intake hoses are fine, no apparent vacume leaks...
> Any ideas?
> Richard:
It sounds like vapor lock. I don't know where you live, but in cold
climes they blend gasoline differently, summer vs winter.  On warm days
(30F or above) in the winter it can vapor lock easily, thus causing the
starting problem you described. I have experienced the same problems
with my 5kcstq and the problem is solved by using a different brand of

Best regards,