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Re: Turbo Motor Differences "83 Ur-q vs '83 5KT

Martin Pajak wrote:
> Mark,
> Here is the story.
> '83 5kt engine WK (130hp), Ur-q engine WX (160hp)
> The differences between the internal engine components in the engines are:
> titanium valve guides for the Ur-q, bronze for 5kt,
> That's it.
> Rest is all external like:
> intake manifold, downpipe, wastegate spring, Engine Control Unit, intercooler,
> etc.
> Both have same compression ratio at 7.0:1, same displacement, etc.

???? You sure about that? Since when is 5000 engine solid lifter? 5000
is 7.2 or 7.5 to 1, Ur is 7.0 in 83
