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Re: V8 owners sub-mailing list for service manuals


There is a V8Q specific list.  It has very little traffic, and I am sure
your search for documentation would be welcome on the list.  I, of course,
welcome it.

I am a v8q wannabe.  But I am saving all the good posts already for when I
eventually own one.

The v8q list can be posted to at:


The listproc (list management software) can be accessed through:


to subscribe send email to the listproc with the contents of the message
body being the word subscribe.  Send equivalent message with unsubscribe to
remove yourself.  For the brave, send the single word help to the listproc.


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Carrie <pcarrie@msn.com>
To: Quattro Mailing List <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 2:26 PM
Subject: V8 owners sub-mailing list for service manuals

>I am trying to find documentation / service manuals for Quattro V8's, and
>build a mailing list of interested V8 owners.  If you want to be put on a
>mailing list so that I can contact you if I find documentation, please send
>me a direct email!