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Re: 4KQ, Suspesion Vibration & Clunk
> Questions:
> * Is the play in the rack normal, how much is acceptable?
> No there should be very little play in the rack. Have you tried
> jacking up one of the front tires till it clears the ground and tried
> pushing and pulling the wheel from front to back? In other words, is
> there any side to side motion on the wheel? If there is some "slop"
> it could be your tie rod ends. This procedure holds the other wheel
> to the ground and in effect shows you the play from the center of the
> car to the wheel. From my experience in this area symptoms of bad tie
> rod ends are "shimmying" only at certain speeds. Gets worse as you go
> faster. A few mph difference (faster or slower) will clear the
> steering rate up. Also, If the struts were done recently are the
> strut towers tight on top where they bolt to the car? Just a few
> thoughts here.
> * Could warped rotors cause vibration at freeway speeds?
> Don't know about that. It would seem the only time warped rotors would
> come into play is during braking. Otherwise it would seem that you
> would not notice any type of problem with bad rotors.
> * Is it possible that there are two problems here?
Again, could be. You mentioned when going over bumps that you hear a
thump. That sounds to me like control arm bushings or possibly sway bar
bushings (up front). Again, jacking up a front wheel and taking a small
2x4 to gently leverage the wheel in different directions might reveal
movement not immediately apparent. (This probably goes without saying
but be careful to use a jack stand under the car when performing this
type of test. Don't want to rock the car off the jack and possibly get
> * If a new set of rotors warps quickly are there other brake
> parts that may need replacing?
* Are there other components that I should be looking at?
> Damon, it really sounds like you have got something loose or worn in
> the front end. I haven't had a lot of experience with warped rotors
> but have had some experience with front end bushings and tie rod
> ends. Front end bushing problems are strange because they cause the
> perception of noises elsewhere in the car. For example, when you hit a
> bump it sounds like there is something loose under the driver's seat.
> Tie rod ends can also give you grief. I have found it doesn't take a
> lot of "play" on the steering to cause shimmying sensations in the
> steering. Especially when you consider the amount of movement is
> multiplied by two because of the combined movement of the Driver and
> Passenger sides of the steering.
Just some thoughts here based on my personal experience. Good-luck on
the troubleshooting and please keep the list posted to what you find.