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Quattro Quaterly ethical conflict....

I am posting this anonymously, so don't bother emailing me back.  I am a
regular Quattro List poster, and am not a shop owner or have any financial
interest in selling Audi parts/cars/mods.  I am just an Audi fan that has a
concern about the Quattro Quarterly.

I am somewhat disappointed in the last issue of the Quattro Quarterly...it
seems they have a serious ethical conflict going on.  They are publishing a
column ("Tech Talk") and a Q&A article ("Ask Uncle John"), both by John
Beckius, from Sport Wheels in Colorado.  The Tech Talk article is all about
how the non-dealer mechanics are honest guys who deserve your
business.....which is convenient since John is basically trying to advertise
his shop, Sport Wheels.  Then, the "Ask Uncle John" section is worse because
there is a letter asking about the V6 throttle body mod and a K&N filter.
There has always been debate as to if these mods actually increase performance
or not, and most say they don't.  Of course, he says how these mods DO give
better throttle response and such, but you just don't feel the increase in
performance....BUT, of course he says that, he sells those mods through Sport
Wheels!  I am really disappointed that they would let someone blatantly plug
his own shop and mods in the magazine, not once, but twice in one issue.  I've
been a QCUSA member for years, and I am wondering if I should even bother
renewing next year.

Concerned QCUSA member