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If it is the 911 twin-turbo part (ie the last air-cooled version) and you
are talking about the compressor bypass valve, the Porsche PN is
993.110.337.50.  The part has three fittings. On top there is a little one
(1/4" diameter) where the vacuum connects to operate the valve, the bottom
a ~1.5" hole and the side another ~1.5" hole (the tubes for the big holes
form an L). Does this sound like the part you are trying to replace? 
Bosch PN is 0 280 142 108.

Menelaos N. Karamichalis	mnk@verio.net	www.starnet.net/~menelaos/
Zone 10, St. Louis Region PCA member		Diamantblau 1987 951
						Red 1995 90 Sport