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RE: WOB, etc.

This list is probably not the best place to discuss the likes of Jerry
Falwell, teletubbies, etc., but I will add one comment or two to the
stream, since unintended acceleration and misperceptions of it are of
concern to us.

1. As idiotic as most TV programming is, people don't unselectively buy
what's on TV like sheep going to the slaughter.  They tend to select.
i.e., CLinton haters are more likely to watch Fox cable or other outlets
where CLinton haters vent.  Same is true with anything else, and there's
plenty of solid research to back this up.  If anything, most media serve to
reinforce the latent opinions people already possess.  If it were
otherwise, Clinton would've been convicted by now.

2. On unintended acceleration and the like, people do adapt and learn.  In
this country, we're sue happy, and quick to pass on blame.  But UA is a
dead horse, and since Consumer Distorts puts Audi on its 'best buy' list,
claims of UA would be greeted as crying wolf one too many times.

3. From my experience, car enthusiasts lean hard to the right.  So on the
basis of sheer numbers, rightwingers on the qlist have an unfair advantage.  

End of tongue-in-cheek observation.

- JD