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Audi 80q light rack ideas, airbags

I've just come into a 1990 Audi 80q to use as my daily driver/tsd beater 
car.  Which means I can start my Merkur rally car project, but I digress. 
 Thing is, the only headlights that are worse than my XR4Ti lights are the 
ones on this Audi.  However, being the scofflaw that I am, I mounted a pair 
of Hella Rallye 3000's on the XR4 for use as super duper high beams, and 
would like to do the same on the 80.  Has anybody done this before and have 
any clever hints, tricks, material suggestions, blueprints, kicks in the 
head to offer?

The other thing. This will be (unfortunately) my first airbag equipped car. 
 I've been known to drive way too fast on the back roads of Maine and New 
Hampshire in tsd's like Gary Webb's wonderful River Valley Ralley and other 
silliness.  Any bad experiences with them (i.e. oops, that shouldn't have 
blown up from that tap; or, YEEEHHAAWWW what a yump POW, etc)?  The recall 
has been performed on this car.  Can you pull a fuse for the airbag and not 
either have it go POW or otherwise make it non functional when appropriate?

Sorry if you've all been down this road before, but it's my first trip.

--Andrew Steere
Dover, NH
90 80q
88 XR4Ti "FIASCO" prorallying very likely in its future
87 XR4Ti ...lots of hp, no traction...

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