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'84 5kS spark plugs...

There was a thread a while ago where it was mentioned
that certain spark plugs listed for certain turbo 5cyls.
caused trouble.

What about non-turbos?
At Autozone, they list the following for the '85 5000S:
Bosch-Platinum  	4216	$1.79
Bosch-Platinum+4	4477 	$5.99 
Bosch-Super		7501	$0.89
 (Can also be used)

AC-Delco_Rapidfire 4		$3.99
 (already gapped - do not re-gap)

AC-Delco		R42XLS	$1.19
Champion		415	$1.09
Denso			3066	$1.29
Splitfire		SF6C	$5.49

As I'm remebering both anti-cheap-platinum
and anti-splitfire-types remarks, are there
any opinions for/against any of these types?
Minimum engine wear is my main concern,
max power, if anything makes any sort of difference 
for this engine, would be interesting, too.
Right now I've got th cheap platinum plugs, and 
they seem alright, though I haven't looked at their
condition since putting them in 2.5k miles ago.
