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Re: Door Dingers
I've had two chances to fix the two dings on the pass side of the ersatz S2
(pearl), first when painting the bumper cover, then lately with the B4 hood
conversion. But I leave them there, even the one with the tinge of blue
paint, sort of as a talisman against further damage and a reminder that the
perfect can be the enemy of the good.
My car was reportedly caught in a Texas sandstorm, and it was the repaint
that caught my eye when I bought it: Silvery and less creamy that most
pearls. Also, it turns out, impossible to match, so that in the right
light, she's not going to win any concours for paint.
Brandon Hull
'91 ersatz S2
>since I have the car. The passenger side of the car is the >worst. That's
why I
>usually let that side face the world. There's a bit of paint >scraped off
>and I know I should really address it