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RE: Speed Limiter

Ooops.  I just read that the A4 has a fly by wire throttle and cruise
control.  I suspect you're right the speed limiter is an extension of the
this instead of a wrapper around the rev limiter. This would also make it
safe to hit the speed limiter regularly. Changing the speed limiter is likly
only a software change (probably reqiuring lots of reverse engineering, or a
shop that has done that, involving many legal issues, etc).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]On Behalf Of johnc@together.net
> Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 11:22 AM
> To: Timothy Wise
> Cc: David Lola; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Re: Speed Limiter
> 'spozedly there is a speed limiter for US A4's, set at 130mph,
> claimed due to
> tires, US liability and tort law may have something else to do
> with it as well.
> i suspect the germans know that not only are we bad drivers, but
> that we also
> like to find someone else to blame for it.
> there is also a rev limiter.
> the chip makers typically delete the first and delete or up the second.
> since this is a chip function, it would have to be burned into
> the PROM, and no
> dealer could do that even if they would, which they wouldn't.
> haven't tried top speed since getting my car & chip.  although i
> believe tire
> speed ratings to be fairly conservative don't want to test the
> bounds of my nice
> new Hakka 1's which are _not_ exactly built for speed.