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Re: 5KT gas tank leak

     RTV silicone might hold for a brief while IF the tank is clean and dry
when it is applied and it sets before the tank is refilled. Since this
particular scenario is unlikely with a leaking gas tank, silicone is a poor
    He might try Seal-All - it is rumored to seal gas tank leaks but I have
never tried it. I also ran across a spray sealant at the local CTC store
last year which claimed it sealed up all types of leaks, including gas tank
leaks - sorry, I can't remember what it was called.
    In any case, if he buys the car he is looking at a new or reconditioned
tank - magic sealing compound probably won't hold for long and driving
around with a fuel leak isn't the best idea in the world. How far down the
seam is the leak? Can he run at 1/2 or 1/4 tank and get the fuel level below
the leaking area?


Fred Munro
'91 200q  269k km
-----Original Message-----
From: Gwendolynn ferch Elydyr <gwen@reptiles.org>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Monday, February 22, 1999 3:26 PM
Subject: 5KT gas tank leak

>Hi all -
>A friend of mine has recently purchased? a '89 5KT, and is in the process
>of trying to take it to a mechanic to get an opinion.
>Now that he's managed to get it started (aren't jumpers marvelous?), it
>seems that there's a leak in the forward seam of the gas tank.  It's
>not pouring out, but there's a slow drip, even when the car isn't moving.
>Is there some way to patch this long enough to drive the 50km to his
>mechanic? He's thinking silicone...
>"A cat spends her life conflicted between a deep, passionate and profound
>desire for fish and an equally deep, passionate and profound desire to
>avoid getting wet.  This is the defining metaphor of my life right now."