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Pull the trigger!
I think it is time to get a lawyer. Integon is stonewalling you because it
is cheaper to do that than to pay you. If you or your lawyer can convince
them that it will be cheaper to pay you what you want than to continue to
stonewall you, you'll win. It is strictly a business decision for Integon,
and they are ONLY interested in the cheapest way out for them.
They have no ego-involvement here - it is strictly dollars. Your pride and
joy is just another file on some drone's desk in a cubicle somewhere. Their
only goal is to pay you *JUST* enough so that you will go away and they can
close the file.
Time to raise the ante. Once they find a lawyer involved, they'll realize
that this could get expensive, and will be much more motivated to settle -
the longer they wait, the worse it will get, and they know it.
Don't just talk about it - do it - you'll be amazed at what a short demand
note froma lawyer will do. Make sure that the lawyer understands that you
expect $XXXXX after the smoke clears, and that any lawyer's fees are
ADDITIONAL. Probably a good idea for Integon to understand that, too.
When you make a threat, be sure that what you are threatening is real, and
make the other side understand that you fully intend to follow through. I
recently had a go-round with Broderbund - In December I ordered $2,000
worth of software, they shipped $700 worth, and left the charge on my
credit card for almost 60 days while they "tried to find the right person
to fix it". Yesterday I told them that if I didn't have a $1,300 credit on
my card by 5 PM Eastern Standard Time, tomorrow morning I was going to
complain to the Federal Trade Commission because they were in clear
violation of several long-standing federal laws on mail order, and when
(not "if") I do that, I would not only be paid, but Broderbund would then
have to deal directly with the Federal Government who would probably
subpoena ALL their records to see who ELSE they've been screwing around
like this and would fine them $10,000 per occurence . . . and guess what:
15 minutes later, the credit came through.
Integon couldn't care less about threats - you NEED to get serious to
motivate them.
Time to take the gloves off!
Best Regards,
Mike Arman
>From: ANDREW FINNEY <afinney@bigplanet.com>
>Subject: HELP - They REALLY want to total my UrQ
>I have asked for help in the past and received quite a few suggestions.
>Here's the deal. In January some moron hit my parked car, doing $6000
>worth of damage to it. The insurance company, Integon (owned by GM, so
>it figures) has been incredibly slow to respond. I have done all the
>calling. I sent them 15 pages of ads for similar UrQs in the range of
>$7000-$22,000. The stupid woman, first thing she says is, "but these
>cars don't have high mileage."
Error: Don't deal with the stupid person - go IMMEDIATELY to their
Most of the ads didn't even have the
>mileage listed. Even the kelly Blue Book (which they reject as false)
>lists the value of an UrQ w/ high miles as $7000. I have repaired and
>replaced almost everything in the car, except the motor, which still
>pulls strong w/ good compression. I have two sets of wheels and tires,
>it's chipped and has Euros and all the necessary UrQ wiring mods. AC
>She still wants to give me ONLY $3000 for the car. I told her to call
>Ned, she refused.
Stop talking to her! She can't or won't (or either) help you! Go over her
head, as far and as adamantly as necessary - STOP BEING SUCH A NICE GUY -
get them in your sights, squeeze the trigger, and repeat as necessary until
the situation improves.
Anyone have any more thoughts. I really want to avoid
>but it's going that way.
Andy, this is what the courts are for!
I'm in CO and the accident was in NY. Do I have
>to go to NY to sue? Can I nail them for lost productivity, etc (we all
>know how we worry about our babies)?. I have photos showing the car was
>pushed 10 feet while in gear. Do I nail them for a new tranny? I really
>need help here before I
>threaten them with a lawsuit. Then I know there's no going back. Thanks.
>Andrew Finney
>1983 UrQ.