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Hydraulic pump rebuild - Day 9

Well, 'er indoors is off bellringing in Liverpool.  Thomas is having
a non-stop stream of parties to celebrate his 19th, and Jenni has gone
all adolescent for a while.  So muggins is cleaning the house, washing
clothes, cooking (Coq au Vin tonight) and generally dogsbodying.

Only a few minutes spare for the pump.  Split the vane section, replaced
all the soft bits and put it back together.  Replaced the O-rings on the
check valves, and located them.  Starting torquing back.


Snap-On TMABM4 - 4mm ball-end Allen driver - sheared at only 5 lb ft!

I've heard a lot of comments about Snap-On recently.  Not long ago I
mentioned the lifetime guarantee and an experienced mechanic (good
quattro guy) snapped back: "You'll need it".

Bugger.  Now I have a sheared-off driver to drill and extract from a
4mm Allen screw.  Thanks, Snap-On.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)