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Re: To front or not to front, that is the quattro
Baiting the list and then rating the flames is pretty tacky, Mohamed.
It's not the most auspicious introduction to the q-list! However, the
collective venting of spleen was probably therapeutic and I certainly got a
good chuckle from many of the responses. The signal-to-noise ratio was low
tonight! ( and this comment just lowered it
further :o)
Fred Munro
'91 200q 269k km
-----Original Message-----
From: Mohamed El-Rouby <melrouby@worldnet.att.net>
To: Chris Dyer <chrisdyer@hotmail.com>; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Date: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: To front or not to front, that is the quattro
>LOL...this is funny too!
>take it easy,
>Let's face it, most of our "quattro" problems are with the fuel
>> injection and electrical systems, not the drivetrain! "Hey you FWD
>> bastard, get your window switch question off our list! If you got a
>> quattro window switch, call us!"
>> Compared to other lists (Porsche, BMW, Gremlin lovers, etc.) ours is one
>> of stealthy understanding--understanding that our cars aren't worth very
>> much, but truly awesome. And I've driven my grandma's A4 v6 FWD, and it
>> kicked ass in a heavy downpour sans quattro. (Put on your seatbelt,
>> granny. Ya got airbags on this?)
>> Peace, love, and crap. Now, about those A4 poseurs...oops, sorry grams.
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