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re: front strut removal, 200q
From: MillersCP@aol.com
>Any BTDT ('91 200q20v)? I've been trying to remove the threaded cap that
>holds the shock in the strut, without success. I've been using a big set
>waterpump-style pliers, using a cheater pipe on one arm, even. I sprayed
>top part with some penetrating oil as well. Any suggestions? Am I on the
>right track? Is there a better method? I may go purchase a big pipe
>to see if that works better.
I have used a Stilson wrench before. This is a large self-locking wrench
that grips better the more force you apply. It does leave toorth marks on
the cap however and does require you to remove the strut first (not a
difficult job).
The correct tool is shown in Bentley and Haynes. I can't remember the tool
number, but it allows you to undo the cap and remove the damper with the
strut still in the car. The tool is shaped like a tube with a large hex key
at one end that fits into the the cap and a 1/2" square drive on the other.
The tube is hollow obviously and fits down through the strut tower after you
have taken off the strut upper bearing.