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RE: 5000 vs 200 TQ Avant
At 11:21 99-03-05 -0800, Lewis, Gary M wrote:
>The 2-piece mainfold was not factory installed on any turbo (that I know
>of). While I was looking for a 2-piece for the 88 5kcstq, I looked at an 89
>tq, a 90 tq, and a 91 200t (non-q). None of them had the 2-piece manifold.
>I figured that if the 91 200t (non-q) didn't have it, it was never factory
>installed in the states. Some of the cars DO have them. I believe these
>are warranty returns or owner replacements (like mine).
However, my German shop manual says "from 90.8 on, turbocharged models have
two-piece exhaust manifold".
I wonder what are the chances of finding one of these cars on a German
Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars break at the same time :-)