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Re: [gti-vr6] VW Sport Icwewaterfest

Robert Brown wrote:
> Umm - my EXPERIENCE is that there IS reciprocity in MD with PA!!
> I ahem - got a ticket my last trip on my last consulting job - I
> used to travel weekly out of BWI - so a trip into MD on 95 was a
> bi-weelky event (radar detectors unless they are top notch with
> laser detectors even they are sometimes useless in MD).  There
> are 2 places on 95 where the police routinely set up traps one
> with laser the other with a timer - that's probably where Todd
> got caught - going down a big hill - there's an overpass were the
> cops sit under with a timer - either there or where 495 and 95
> split - they use laser there!!

This illustrates nicely "Kevin's speeding tip #6".
NEVER speed down big hills, police love to set up traps there.
ALWAYS speed up big hills, they won't expect you to do so.
As well as #2, know the territory.  Learn where the traps are
to avoid them.
Kevin Nelander
3/96 VW GTI VR6 Candy White
6/85 VW GTI 1.8 8v Black