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RE: noisy valve lifters

Wow, I'm no mechanic or engineer, but is running diesel in place of oil
safe?  Sounds dangerous to me.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Marc Winston [SMTP:mwinston@brookes.ac.uk]
> Sent:	Wednesday, March 10, 1999 9:53 AM
> To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:	noisy valve lifters
> I had this same problem on my '89 2.2 Coupe. Unless you replace the
> lifters, 
> and all of them, the noise will keep returning. You can silence them for
> 000's 
> of miles with a simple engine treatment...The cheapest solution...drain
> oil, 
> fill with diesel, run car untill noise disappears....drain
> diesel...replace oil 
> with good quality i.e. mobil 1 new filter....job done ...for now anyway. 
> Regards
> Marc
> Marc Winston (no mechanic by any means)
> mwinston@brookes.ac.uk