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re: tons of audis

Here in Rochester, we have ann. snowfall averaging nearly 90", and we're
presently recovering from a 4-days' snowfall of 42". So you'd _think_
there'd be a lot (OK, tons!) of Audis around. But not really, IMO. A solid
economy in this area (approx 1 million population), but it's _very_ tight,
conservative money. Add to this the lone, traditionally bad Audi franchise,
and you have Cadillac/Lexus/SUV heaven. I've never seen another '91 200q
here (though I know Dave Kavanagh also has one), never any V8 and have
spotted just one S4 and one S6 over the past two years. I don't pay much
attention to A4 and A6, but even those don't seem all that evident.
Interestingly, just 100-150 miles to the east (Syracuse/Utica region) the
Audi density becomes quite high (relatively speaking). They do get about
10-20% more snow, but I think the disparity must have more to do with the
competence of local Audi dealers and independent shops.

'91 200q
'89 100

>Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 23:47:48 PST
>From: "Matt Martinsen" <mattmartinsen@hotmail.com>
>Subject: re: tons of audis

>Huh?? One week in the Seattle Times about a month ago there were 5 S4s
>for sale, and two 91 200Q (one was in the paper for about 2 months
>@$8900, I think it must have had problems).  I see several 5000s and
>4000s, 90s, and a couple V8s most days if I'm looking, A4s and A6s
>everywhere.  I see an '86 5KTQ and a '91 200Q everyday, (no wait those
>are mine and my brother's).  Of course the Eastside is so congested with
>M3s it's hard to get around.  I can't agree with the price thing either,
>except maybe on non-quattros. With, what was it 89 days?, of rain from
>Nov 1 to Feb 28 and a 300"+ ski base at Baker and on the way to over
>1200" of snow for the year, quattro certainly demands a premium.
>Yeah...no one wants them. I think a reality check that with probably
>only about 700-800 91 200q left, your not going to see as many in your
>neighborhood as the literally millions of Toyotas and Hondas.  BTW,
>which Audi dealer sells BMWs?
>- -Matt Martinsen
>Seattle, WA
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

         *  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
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