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Re: '93 90 A/C problems

R. Cummings wrote:
> At 12:41 PM 3/12/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >I'm sure it's not a slipping belt, and the ISV is just a little slow to
> >react.
> >
> >Everyone keeps saying that is' low refrigerant, but the CC head will cut
> >the compressor off if the charge is low, or at least register an error
> >code--no such codes.  I'm wondering if maybe they didn't put in enough
> >oil last time they evacuated/recharged the system.
> >
> >Which brings up another question: if they evacuate the system, can they
> >accurately measure how much oil was in the system?
> >
> >Thanks
> >--
> >Elliott
> There is low charge and then there is real low charge. I believe the Audi
> system does not turn the compressor off until it is almost empty, long after
> the damage is done.
You do have a point.  In fact I took it by the dealer today (it was warm
enough to turn on this time) the service manager said it might be *high*
I think I would like damage caused by high pressure better, because then
it's definitely their fault...low charge they could say it leaked out
and it's not their fault.

> There is no practical way to measure the amount of oil in the system. When
> the charge is extracted, the amount of oil removed can be measured but a lot
> of oil can be lost as the charge leaks out. You can flush the system with
> refrigerant using the recovery machine, which will get most of the oil out
> and then start fresh.
Oh well, I was kinda hoping that they dosed it wrong (or forgot to put
any in), or something like that.

> Too much oil will degrade performance. Too little oil and the compressor is
> toast. Err on the side of too much oil.
These guys err all over the place; probably why I'm in this situation.


> Bob Cummings
> 87 Coupe GT