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Re: oversteer vs. understeer

Bob wrote:
> Trisha Blethen wrote:
> >
> > I understand your confusion but only slightly.  First of all.....backing
> > hard into an obstruction will hurt your neck more......reason I know
> > this?  Family experience as well as what I have learned from working as
> > a safety worker on high speed tracks.
> >
> I would guess if your headrest is adjusted properly, you are better off
> backing into an obstacle.
> Bob

No....ask Ray....he's had several front end impacts racing and one rear
end to.  He was VERY sore after the rear end impact ....more so than the
impact where he destroyed the Capri at NHIS head on into the wall. 
Granted the car faired better, but his neck (even with the neck brace)
did not.  For a matter of fact.....of the two broken necks that I have
seen at NHIS.....both were rear end impacts into the wall....one was Bob
Roth in a spec racer and the last one was Tom Bolles at the last Busch
North race last year.  In a rear end hit, your head is travellin forward
first then SNAPPED back....thus crushing your vertebrae.  In a front
impact, your head travels forward, but goes back much gentler.  Very
bizarre, but true. 

Sorry for not cutting text...but I wanted the train of thought to flow
on this one. 
