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Re: A transistorized CV Joint?
M Connors wrote:
> Hi.
> Picking anyone's brain out there for their thoughts. Recently my V8
> has started exhibiting strange behaviour when backing up. What is
> happening is the driver front wheel is locking up. This occurs only in
> reverse and only after the brakes are applied. So long as I don't touch
> the brakes the car is fine during backup. The minute I even slightly
> tap the brakes, causes the driver front wheel to completely lock up and
> stay locked (even on dry pavement). Once this occurs the only way to
> free up the wheel is to place the car in drive and pull ahead. The
> wheel then resets and is fine again. It is interesting to note that
> when driving forward and applying the brakes the car is fine.
> Troubleshooting thus far has yielded the following observations:
> 1. Front Driver Brake Pads in excellent shape.
> 2. Rotor in excellent shape with no imperfections
> 3. When applying the brakes no pulsating (translation: no warped
> rotors)
> 4. ABS activated/deactivated yields same results
> 5. No brake drag (as far as I can tell)
> 6. Noted inner CV Joint boot torn driver's side(could this be a clue
> ???).
> Was wondering could an inner or outer CV Joint exhibit this type of
> locking phenomonon? It seems that by applying the brakes induces torque
> on the driveshaft which causes something to lock within the driveshaft
> or differential. It is only on this one wheel? Has anyone seen or
> heard of a CV Joint lock up in one direction only? I guess the
> alternative would be my differential? (say it isn't so....) Any
> thoughts on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in
> advance.
> Mark
Chances are that the problem is a missing (Or sheared off) top caliper
mounting bolt.