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Re: 9 People in Jamex Group Strut Brace Purchase

How about the type 44 folks?


> From: Ken Keith <ken.keith@specialdevices.com>
> To: quattro200@earthlink.net; IDuff@bisys.com; jdlarson@ix.netcom.com;
Raudi83TQ@aol.com; Sonar465@aol.com; IraT@aol.com;
HAREST@allenbrook.iix.com; tlum@flash.net
> Cc: audi-20v@lists.emailsol.com; quattro@coimbra.ans.net;
> Subject: 9 People in Jamex Group Strut Brace Purchase
> Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 5:36 PM
> Don't want to pollute the mailboxes too much, but we have two more
> to the Jamex Group Strut Brace Purchase:
> Stott Hare		HAREST@Allenbrook.iix.com
> Tony Lum		tlum@flash.net
> The strut brace is the one described and pictured on Huw's website here: 
> http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~human/strut-brace.htm
> If we keep the momentum going, it will be better.
> Please send me an email to this address or to auditude@impulsedata.net to
> your name to the list.
> Current list:
> Ken Keith 		auditude@impulsedata.net
> Wolff		quattro200@earthlink.net
> Ian Duff		IDuff@bisys.com
> John Larson	jdlarson@ix.netcom.com	(wants a rear brace if available)
> John Bingham	Raudi83TQ@aol.com
> Jim Hahn		Sonar465@aol.com
> Ira T			IraT@aol.com
> Hare Stott		HAREST@Allenbrook.iix.com
> Tony Lum		tlum@flash.net